ARMA Armed Assault PC Full Version (RELOADED)

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ARMA Armed Assault PC Full Version – Merupakan sebuah game FPS yang cukup ringan buat dimainkan dan game ini merupakan game fps perang jadul, yang mana game ini sendiri di rilis tahun 2006 lalu, untuk masalah grafis sudah 3D dan sudah lumayan lah kualitas nya, Sebelumnya Mimin sudah membagikan link download game Simulator Ringan yaitu The Sims 1 Complete Collection PC Download.

ARMA Armed Assault PC Full Version

Download ARMA Armed Assault PC, The campaign in Armed Assault is narrated by Private First Class William Porter of the United States Army (voiced by Todd Kramer), and takes place on the fictional Atlantic island of Sahrani, an island nation which is divided in two, with the northern section called the Democratic Republic of Sahrani (DRS) and the southern one an oil-rich southern monarchy called the Kingdom of South Sahrani. The narrative begins when American forces, after a few months of training the South Sahrani military, begin to depart the island. Prime Minister Torez, leader of the DRS, uses this moment of perceived weakness to launch a full-scale invasion of South Sahrani. The player takes on the role of an American soldier in one of the U.S. Army platoons not yet rotated off the island before the conflict began. The few U.S. Army platoons remaining on the island aid the Royal Army Corps of Sahrani (RACS), the South Sahrani military, in fending off the more powerful northern neighbor’s offensive, being spearheaded by the North Sahrani military, with the Sahrani Liberation Army (SLA) at the forefront. While the SLA offensive is successful at first, U.S. Army manages to halt the offensive and starts driving the occupying forces from the southern part of the island with plans to topple the regime on the north.

The campaign follows a linear storyline. However, each level in the campaign has options for the player on how to progress through the mission. The player’s in-game performance and choices determine how the storyline progresses and ultimately will have a bearing on the war itself. For example, a mission to seize a crucial town can have a substantial effect on the story depending on the player’s level of success or failure. Failure to successfully complete an objective does not result in the game ending but will affect the storyline. Hostile squads act independently of the player’s actions so that they may be engaging in an activity dictated by the game A.I. that does not necessarily involve the player. This implies that the game has high replay value as no two games will be identical.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

  • Size : 2.8GB
  • Status : Tested (Windows 7)

System Requirements :

  • CPU: 3 GHz
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Video Card: Nvidia 6800 and above or Ati x800 and above with at least 256 MB RAM
  • Free HD Space: 3 GB (or more as needed for downloadable addons)
  • Software: Windows XP and DirectX 9

Cara Install ARMA Armed Assault PC :

  1. Download file dari link diatas
  2. Matikan Antivirus dan Windef
  3. Extrak file dengan Winrar
  4. Mount file MDS/MDF
  5. Jalankan setupnya
  6. Tunggu proses Install sampai selesai
  7. Copy semua file dari folder “CRACK” ke folder Installan
  8. Jalankan gamenya
  9. Selamat bermain ARMA Armed Assault PC !!!

ARMA Armed Assault PC Full Version