I Am Alive PC Full Version

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I Am Alive PC Full Version – Merupakan sebuah game pc dengan genre Action, Adventure, Horror, yang dirilis pada tahun 2012 lalu olah Ubisoft, petualangan seorang penjelajah yang mana sehabis bencana dirinya ingin mencari istri dan anak perempuan nya, jika kalian suka akan game adventure cobalah untuk memainkan game ini, Sebelumnya Mimin telah membagikan link download game rpg keren yaitu The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel II PC Download.

I Am Alive PC Full Version

Download I Am Alive PC, In the post-apocalyptic action/adventure I Am Alive, players are faced with thought-provoking choices in the role of a survivor on a journey to find his wife and daughter, who were lost during the “Event.” Arriving at his hometown of Haventon one year after it happened, he finds the town in shambles. Buildings are destroyed, toxic ash fills the streets, and society has been torn, causing inhabitants to take all necessary actions to survive.

In I Am Alive, players will be challenged by both their environment and their enemies. Stamina and resource management are key when being exposed to deadly atmospheres and scaling enormous buildings in search of supplies. The unique combat system requires players to utilize intimidation: cowards are easily swayed with an empty gun, while other enemies will put players to the test.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

  • Size : 2GB
  • Status : Tested (Windows 7)

System Requirements :

  • OS: Windows® XP SP3, Windows® Vista SP1 and Windows® 7
  • Processor: AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 3800+ / Intel® Pentium 4 630
  • Memory: 1024MB (Windows® XP), 2048MB (Windows® Vista or 7)
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT / ATI Radeon HD 2600XT
  • DirectX®: 9.0c
  • Hard Drive: 2GB
  • Sound: Any DirectX Compatible DirectX®: 9.0c

Cara Install I Am Alive PC :

  1. Download file dari link diatas
  2. Extrak file dengan Winrar
  3. Mount file ISO
  4. Jalankan setupnya
  5. Tunggu proses Install sampai selesai
  6. Copy semua file dari folder “CRACK” ke folder Installan
  7. Jalankan gamenya
  8. Selamat bermain I Am Alive PC !!!

I Am Alive PC Full Version