Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Wii Game ISO

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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Wii Game ISO – Kembali game Wii lagi ya, ada game dengan genre horror nih, yaitu Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Wii bisa kalian download dan mainkan di Dolphin, Sebelumnya kita juga sudah membagikan game keren tentang samurai yaitu Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes Wii Game ISO.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Wii Game ISO

Download Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Wii Game ISO, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories divides its gameplay between two different settings. The first section is set in a psychotherapist’s office and the second in a town called Silent Hill. In the first section, the player interacts with Dr. Michael Kaufmann, a therapist who is a non-player character, from a first-person perspective. The player responds to Kaufmann’s questions and completes a psychological test, fills in a questionnaire or colors pictures. The player’s responses to these tests alters aspects of gameplay in the second setting, including the available areas, the physical appearance and behavior of characters encountered, and the physical appearance of the monsters. Shattered Memories returns to Kaufmann’s office periodically throughout the game.

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  1. Siapkan dulu Emulator Wii yaitu Dolphin
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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Wii Game ISO