Digimon Rumble Arena PS1 GAME ISO – Ya hadir lagi membagikan game PS1 lagi ya, kali ini ada game petarungan antar digimon yang keren banget dimasa dulu, yaitu Digimon Rumble Arena, game ini juga sudah lancar dimainkan di Android dan PC, Sebelumnya kita sudah bagikan game racing legend yaitu CTR: Crash Team Racing PS1 GAME ISO.
Download Digimon Rumble Arena PS1 GAME ISO Google Drive, There are 24 playable characters in Digimon Rumble Arena, all drawn from the Digimon Adventure and Digimon Tamers anime. 9 characters are available at the start of the game, while the other 15 require either a password or the completion of a certain task to access, but there are 6 characters that can be unlocked only by some very difficult challenges and only one of them can be unlocked by code but to activate it you first have obtained the other 5 characters.
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- Size : 164MB
Cara Install Digimon Rumble Arena :
- Download file dari link diatas
- Extrak dengan Winrar
- Jalankan file tadi lewat Emu
- PC pake Emulator PS1 PC
- Android pake Emulator PS1 Android
Digimon Rumble Arena PS1 GAME ISO